"Queen Mary 2 Rescue at Sea" - - QM2 rescues a solo yachtsman during an Atlantic storm.
"Big and Bigger" - - A comparison of Queen Mary 2 and Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas. |
"Talking QM2 Remastered" - - Carnival Corp. CEO Arnold Donald, Captain Christopher Wells and others speak about the 2016 refurbishment of QM2.
"Captain Peter Philpott" - - An interview with Captain Philpott. "A Non-Traditional Commodore" - - Commodore Christopher Rynd shares his vision for being master of Queen Mary 2 and Commodore of the Cunard fleet. "An Interview With Captain Christopher Rynd" - - Then-Captain Rynd discusses the Princess ships he has commanded as well as commanding QM2, QE2, and the Queen Victoria.
"An Important Ship" - - an in-depth profile of QM2 including an interview with Commodore Bernard Warner (ret.).
"The New QM2" - - A conversation with QM2's first master, Commodore Ronald Warwick (ret.).
"A Conversation with Captain Kevin Oprey" - - Captain Oprey discusses maintaining the Cunard tradition as QM2 moves into the future
"The Return of the Blue Ensign: An Interview with Captain
Christopher Wells" - - Royal Naval Reserve officer and long-time Cunarder discusses his career including being an officer on QE2 in the 1990s, participating in the construction of Queen Mary 2 and, most recently, commanding QM2. "In Command of the Queens" - - Talking with Captain Paul
Wright (ret.), the first person to have commanded three Cunard Queens. "A Conversation with Captain Nick Bates" - - Captain
Bates (ret.) talks about QM2 and his 35-year career with Cunard |
Designer |
A coversation with Stephen Payne the naval architect who
designed QM2 Part I Career Profile Part II Designing QM2 Part III Looking ahead |
Hotel Managers |
"Transatlantic on Queen Mary 2" - - Hotel Manager David Shepard discusses what QM2 does best.
"Keeping QM2 Moving Forward" - - An interview with QM2 Hotel Manager Robert Howie
"On the Great Queens" - - Hotel Manager John Duffy talks
about QM2, the original Queen Elizabeth and QE2 "An Interview With Dirk Brand, Hotel Manager of QM2" - -
The hotel department is the department with the most direct impact on passengers. Mr. Brand discusses his philosophy and goals in heading this organization. |
Deputy Captains
"Dealing With Emergencies At Sea" - - Then-Staff Captain
Robert Camby discusses what is involved in an emergency evacuation. "What It Means To Be Staff Captain" - - A profile of and
interview with then-Staff Captain Trevor Lane focusing on the role of the staff captain on Queen Mary 2. "Renewing QM2" - - An article about the work done on
QM2 during her 2008 refit including an interview with Staff Captain Trevor Lane. |
Engineering and Environment |
"What Makes QM2 Go?" - - Chief Engineer Brian
Watling explains the technical aspects of how QM2 works. "Keeping On Good Terms With The Environment" - - Environmental Compliance Officer Ariadna Mayoral talks about about QM2's commitment to the environment including its recycling and waste disposal. |
Entertainment and Activities |
"A Conversation with Joanna Haley" - - An interview with Entertainment Director Jo Haley about entertainment of QM2 and the impact of the 2016 Remastering.
"An Interview With Ray Rouse" - - A conversation with QM2's entertainment director. He discusses shaping modern mega-ship cruising as the first cruise director for many of Royal Caribbean's giant cruise ships. He also discusses the factors that make voyaging on QM2 different than cruising on the large cruise ships. "A Conversation with Paul O'Loughlin" - - QM2's
Entertainment Director discusses programming entertainment and activities for QM2. "A Queen Welcomes the New King" (QM2 Coronation Cruise)
"Second To None" - - Entertainment Director Keith Maynard talks about what makes QM2 unique.
"Sailing Through The Cosmos" - - a look at QM2's astronomy program
"Dancing For The Queen" - - Dance Captain Carol
Summers talks about the life of the Royal Cunard Singers and Dancers "Jazz at Sea" - - a profile of the Juilliard jazz program on
Queen Mary 2 "Acting Up On Queen Mary 2" - - A profile of the
Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts Program on Queen Mary 2. "The Beatles Celebration on Queen Mary 2" - - Interview and review of the Beatles tribute band's performances on QM2
"Artist To The Queens" - - a profile of artist Giancarlo
Impiglia whose commissioned works are on QE2, QM2 and Queen Victoria. "Songwriting on Queen Mary 2" - - a profile of the
songwriting program developed by Chris Difford for QM2 |
Dining |
"Champagne Afternoon Tea"
"The Steakhouse at the Verandah" - - Review of the pop-up specialty restaurant with comments from Hotel General Manager Robert Howie. "The Princess Grill" - - An interview with Maitre d'hotel Patu Kerel
"Continuing the Tradition" - - An interview with QM2
Food and Beverage Manager Bernhard Fischer "Preparing Meals Fit For A Queen" - - An interview with
QM2 Executive Chef Klaus Kremer "The Todd English Restaurant" - - Feature article including
an interview with Executive Chef Mark Oldroyd, a restaurant review and a photo essay showing certain items selected from the menu by Chef Oldroyd "Secrets of the Britannia Restaurant" - - Maitre d' Jamie
Firth talks about the style of QM2's main dining room and how it operates |
Other Hotel Departments |
"Reflections of a Top Sailor" - - A look at the presentations recognizing the most-traveled guest on each cruise.
Medical Care on Queen Mary 2 - - An interview with Principal Medical Officer Dr. Albert Van Der Merwe Sea Dogs (and Cats) on Queen Mary 2 - - An interview with Kennel Master Jojo Bulabon |
Cruise ship interviews - - Cunard Line - - Queen Mary 2 - - Index of Articles, Interviews and Reviews